Vacation services

Crested Butte, CO vacation services

Crested Butte Destinations is the top resource for planning a vacation to Crested Butte, Colorado.  Not only do we have the most comprehensive list of vacation rentals in Crested Butte, CO, but we also offer a complete suite of vacation services to cater to your every need.

Browse the categories below to get more detailed information on the partners we work with, and call one of our Destination Experts today to put an entire package together for you! We even have our own internal travel agency and air desk to provide you with the best rates and lowest prices on everything you need for a perfect getaway.

Car Rentals

Crested Butte Destinations works closely with a select number of car rental agencies to provide you with superior rates and special discounts

Lift Tickets

Crested Butte is known to have some of the best snow on earth! Each resort offers different terrain and lift ticket options.

Air Travel

If you are flying into Colorado, you have the option to book your airline through our exclusive VR Travel service. Take the hassle out of your entire vacation!

Optional Vacation Services

Browse through several of our extra options including ground transportation, ski equipment, ski school, and more!